Speakers listed by session

Session 1: An overview of stomatal biology

Stanford University/HHMI
University of Bath
Penn State University
Western Sydney University

Session 2: Stomatal development

Univeristy of Tartu
Penn State University
ARO, Volcani Institute
John Innes Centre
Lanzhou University
Texas A&M University
University of Bern
National University of Singapore
University of Bern
University of Dundee
University of Sheffield

Session 3: Stomatal movement - mechanisms

University of Würzburg
Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
University of Glasgow
China Agricultural University
Federal University of Ceara
University of Hyderabad India
ETH Zurich
Wuhan University
University of Bristol

Session 4: Stomatal responses to biotic and abiotic signals

Nagoya University
University of California San Diego
University of Tartu
Shandong University
University of Wuerzburg
University of Tartu
Geisenheim University
Tsinghua University
Soochow University

Session 5: Manipulating stomata to improve crop traits

Henan University
University of Sheffield
University of Essex
Huazhong Agricultural University
University of Sheffield
China Agricultural University