Rob Roelfsema, University of Würzburg
Rob Roelfsema
University of Würzburg

Rob Roelfsema studies ion transport systems in plants and has focused on the ion fluxes in guard cells that drive stomatal movements. He combines biophysical research techniques with molecular biology to characterize ion channels, pumps and co-transporters and unravel the signal transduction pathways that regulate these transport proteins. The long-term goal of his research line is to uncover how plants use ion transport systems, to adapt to specific environmental conditions, like cold, heat and drought. Rob is a University Professor at the Department of Molecular Plant Biology and Biophysics, University of Würzburg, Germany. He studied Biology in Groningen (the Netherlands) and received his PhD-degree in Natural Sciences at the University of Groningen in 1997. Rob joined the Editorial board of New Phytologist as an Associate Editor in 2023, and he had previously been an Advisor to the journal.


Title of presentation

ABA-induced stomatal closure through Ca2+-dependent and -independent signaling pathways.


Shouguang Huang, Triinu Arjus, Hannes Kollist, Dietmar Geiger, Rainer Hedrich and Rob Roelfsema
Plant Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Biocenter, Julius-von-Sachs Institute for Biosciences, University of Würzburg, 97082 Würzburg, Germany


During drought, the stress hormone ABA causes activation of SLAC-type anion channels inguard cells, which leads to stomatal closure. This ABA-response of guard cells was linked to cytosolic Ca2+ signals in guard cells by pioneering work on stomata of Commelina communis (McAinsh et al., 1990). However, later work with Vicia faba showed that ABA can also activate SLAC-type anion channels in the absence of Ca2+ signals (Levchenko et al., 2005). We therefore studied the role of Ca 2+ signals in ABA-induced stomatal closure with Arabidopsis thaliana plants that express the Ca2+ reporter R-GECO1-mTurquoise (Waadt et al., 2017; Huang et al. , 2019). ABA induced stomatal closure in approximately 10 min. and in 3 out of 4 guard cells, we observed a transient increase of the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration during this response. The remaining stomata closed in the absence of a cytosolic Ca2+ signals, showing that these Ca2+ signals are dispensable for stomatal closure. Nevertheless, in the majority of the guard cells, the cytosolic Ca2+ signal rose during stomatal closure, indicating that it was provoked by the stomatal closure response, instead of initiating this response. Based on these and other data, an ABA-signaling pathway will be discussed in which the activation of OST1 will cause a direct activation of the SLAC1 anion channel. Due to stomatal movements, Ca2+ signals can be elicited that activate the SLAH3 channel and TPK channels in the vacuole. These Ca2+-dependent responses will enhance the efficiency by which ABA provokes stomata closure. The conclusion is that ABA induced stomatal closure is strictly dependent activation of SLAC1 by OST1, but the response is enhanced by the Ca2+-dependent activation of additional ion release mechanisms in guard cells.

Huang SG, Waadt R, Nuhkat M, Kollist H, Hedrich R, Roelfsema MRG. 2019. Calcium signals in guard cells enhance the efficiency by which abscisic acid triggers stomatal closure.New Phytologist224(1): 177-187.

Levchenko V, Konrad KR, Dietrich P, Roelfsema MRG, Hedrich R. 2005. Cytosolic abscisic acid activates guard cell anion channels without preceding Ca2+ signals.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America102(11): 4203-4208.

McAinsh MR, Brownlee C, Hetherington AM. 1990. Abscisic acid-induced elevation of guard-cell cytosolic Ca2+ precedes stomatal closure. Nature 343(6254): 186-188.

Waadt R, Krebs M, Kudla J, Schumacher K. 2017. Multiparameter imaging of calcium and abscisic acid and high-resolution quantitative calcium measurements using R-GECO1-mTurquoise in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist 216(1): 303-320.

My Sessions
ABA-induced stomatal closure through Ca2+-dependent and -independent signaling pathways.
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