Michael Blatt, University of Glasgow
Michael Blatt
University of Glasgow

Mike Blatt has researched in the plant sciences for more than four decades and is recognised globally for his studies of stomatal guard cells, photosynthesis and water use by plants. Mike is one of a handful of experts in electrophysiology focusing on plants His research interests centre around the biophysics and physiology of membranes, including the interactions between trafficking and ion transport proteins that coordinate plant cell expansion. In recent years, his attention has evolved to questions around how plants regulate gas exchange to maximise CO2 uptake for photosynthesis while minimising water loss by evaporation through stomata. To this end, he developed the first mechanistic and quantitative modelling platform that describes stomata and spans dimensions from molecule to the field. Mike is now using this platform as a guide to bioengineering of transport for enhanced stomatal function, water use and photosynthetic efficiencies.